Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Unicorns, I love them!

Today, instead of a ponder, this is going to be more of a rant. I told my husband yesterday that when I see things up on Facebook that bother me and I really want to state All of my opinion, as I have gotten angry, because what I see is just so utterly enraging, I was going to put up the status: Unicorns, I love them. This would be the equivalent of me biting my tongue. I am very opinionated but also old enough to know everyone doesn't need to nor do they desire to hear my opinion. I also hate to argue so when I state my opinion, I want it to just stay right there, like the proverbial all-knowing wisdom that it is. LOL! All that said, I really do like Facebook for so many reasons that are obvious. It is often the way I stay in the know about many things that are valuable to my everyday life. I also hate it. There are times I read post or articles that just don't put me in my "happy place". This is why my husband and I had to get a Facebook divorce. I wanted my page to be a pleasant place. Jonathan doesn't need that. He likes the hot topics and telling his opinion. Then there are post like yesterday and continuing on today that just incense me. So now after I have tried to get my thoughts together so they would be cohesive, I think I am ready to be mature and share so that I don't damage more than I shed light. Meaning I don't want you to just be angry after you read I want it to be more than that. The reason why this whole nonsense regarding the Clippers guy and his mistress aren't enraging me the way it seems to enrage other people that share my same hue is because I don't consider racism a bigger sin than adultery. Actually it is quite the opposite. I am more infuriated by the fact that this man is cheating on his wife who seems to just allow it and then there is the mistress and the fact that with all the gifts she has received has never once said there was a gun being held to her head that made her shack up with a man who is not her husband. Adultery is wrong. And at what point does she apologize for the cheating, the absolute prostituting of herself and let's not mention the fornication with other men, which her "main squeeze" sugar daddy seems to be ok with? What in the world? What some very old man calls "black" people does not in the least bother me. I have a father who is slightly younger than "said" racist and I know what my daddy calls white people and I most certainly remember his brother and my grandfather having very fancy names for most cultures that did not include ours. They came from a different time. It was much more racially tense and titles were given then that I think are terrible. I don't condone it but I have to try to understand it from their perspective. Why have we decided to fall hook, line, and sinker for this nonsense. As I ran this morning trying to settle my mind around my feelings and what I was really angry about here is where I ended up. When I run down my road there are Indian Paintbrushes that sprinkle one of the nearby pastures. Now I could look and see weeds; that seems to be what many would call them but instead I see it as a beautiful sign of spring. I see egrets that are in the pastures with the cows. They are a beautiful white bird who quite frankly follow after where the cattle are to get to the bugs that get unearthed. With this very messy media situation I can't get that enraged because here is what I have seen and encounter for myself. Most of my dearest friends are what our language would label as white. And while I could focus on the few incidents of racism that come up in the media what I see is beautiful friends who are "white" who love me and my family and I have never felt any racial tension of any kind. My friends have washed my clothes, brought me meals, cared for my children, prayed for me, and let me cry on their shoulder. I have seen babies born and so much more. All that and I have reciprocated in many of the same ways. We have exchanged gifts and memories and life. Racism exist and has existed for a long time and will always exist. Because it is SIN. We, as people, find reasons to hate other people for a myriad of reasons. I am so glad that I have the opportunity to point out the beauty that our Father has given because even in this very sinful and fallen place where we live if we can't see the beauty we can't see the hope. And our hope is in Him who brought us out of darkness into His marvelous light. That light shines brightest on the things which show Him not the things which, I know, he hates. 2 Timothy 3 gives us a clear indication of what this media storm is really about." This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blashphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection,truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of Yahweh" Yeah so about that "racism" thing.

1 comment:

  1. very insightful! So funny that you had to get a "Facebook Divorce" :)
