The other night as I was making dinner, I remembered that I had intended to have cornbread but it was now a little late to start because dinnertime was fast approaching and the natives were growing restless. For some years I had been remembering my mama making hotwater cornbread and really wanted to know how to make it myself. I knew it was simple; only a couple of ingredients but I couldn't remember exactly what those were and sometimes other recipes were popping in my mind and it was getting all muddled. On tonight I did what I sometimes do when I can't remember a recipe in detail I went to the computer to see if something would jar my memory. Well I simply typed in "hot water corn bread" and to my delight up popped a page of recipes. Now I know the computer is this tool that has become the cornerstone of communication and information in our age but sometimes I still get a little amazed at just how easy it is to find the answers to totally obscure questions in zero seconds. What started creeping into my mind as I stood at the stove beaming as the hotwater cornbread was sizzling was the computer can be completely oxymoronic at times. The common phrase "how could something so good be so bad" also came to my rememberance and all the funny illustrations that had been used to prove some examples of this question. I use the computer for recipes and email and it is a huge part of our homeschool day but this very same instrument has been the tool by which children were lured into dangerous scenarios and husbands and wives found the means to stray, and many people have been duped into giving too much information leaving them vulnerable and sometimes penniless because they seem totally willing to give up so much to this screen with nobody attached. So I pose the ponder: what is something we don't ever have to measure out or limit our time because it is never too much of a good thing and it doesn't seduce us with good things and flip the script leaving us damaged?
Sitting outside my mom's kitchen some years ago I remember the first time she made this very simple and quick dish of hot water corn bread for me and I couldn't get enough. There were weeks when it seemed I would ask for it everyday. Most of us know that anything that appeals to our appetites most likely needs moderating. The computer is no different. I admit to having days when it feels like without the computer my life would be lost. Now we do use it for school. My children have about 70% of their books online for school. Our homeschool group communicates through email and facebook. But there are days I am not on the computer to gather necessary information but to just zone out from a stressful and hectic day. At those moment the computer becomes a divisive tool pulling me away from the family that I love and serve. It is so easy for me to look for music for my ipod for my run tomorrow, recipes for meals or searching for that homeschool book that I need because it leaves me in a bubble with an excused "mommy is busy" answer to my children. Nothing wrong with doing any of these things except at times I use this wonderful tool to run away and escape. James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no fickleness neither shadow of turning. So is the computer bad? no not necessarily but it appeals to our selfness and allows us to feel connected yet disonnects us all at the same time. Fickled. The gifts that come from G-d we don't ever have to decipher how much we need, how to use them for good and or how to keep them balanced. Besides Christ himself, the very best gift that He gave, if we sought after it "like hidden treasures" we would have so much less time to sit at the computer, eat too much, watch too much television, exercise too much or work too much. It truly is amazing how compulsive we can become about all sorts of things. G-d's Word doesn't appeal to our senses but it does grow our spirits so although the desire may not be there to begin with you will find the more you read it the more you want to read it. The hard step is stepping away from everything else to make this your choice for your appetite even when you feel hungry for something else. That something else might give you indigestion but "Give us this day our daily bread"....and we might find that we have been starving for something that is too good!