I have been so worried about trying to keep this blog on some respectable and conservative level but my life is not always that. There are things that concern me that some may consider trivial. Some things may seem controversial or sometimes I may seem a little strange. I don't want to be "free in a closet" here. (Thanks Nicole) So I have to let go of some of my worries in order for me to be happy with the results of this place where I share and pray that my honesty will do what it has always done. FREE ME! John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!Rev 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives until death. Possibly this process may help others be a little more free as well
I made a comment to a friend the other day: "When we drove out of Chicago G-d was laughing because of what was in store for us". I have this visual of my heavenly Father giggling and shaking his head at the joy of what we were in for and how unaware (ignorant) we were of the adventure that we were beginning. I am happy to say I have never had a dull moment since I met the L-rd. I am also happy to say that he has given me such wonderful perspective to see things in ways that make me so thankful for whatever the adventure looks like at the moment. I don't always do it immediately but it doesn't take long before my attitude adjust and I am riding the wave instead of struggling against it. I would like to say that it is spiritual maturity but you might need to ask those around me because I could be a beast and be in total denial. OK so what is the point? The point is this blog is a part of the journey that will help me to keep tabs on other parts of my journey. Right now I see my life as being very close to two of those really big drops on the monstrous roller coasters that are in the top 10 of all roller coasters.
The first drop is ADOPTION! G-d has been quietly screaming at us about adoption for about 1 year. Don't get me wrong we are not being disobedient we just wanted to make sure it was Him and not us doing this leading. I will get into more details about the beauty that is adoption later but the more I pray, the more people are put in my path, the more I see myself as this beautifully adopted daughter of the Most High. That leads me strangely (I already covered the strange issue) to the second drop which is growing the straightener out of my hair. Because I am adopted(Romans 8:15b but you have received the Spirit of adoption)I have many sisters and brothers who may or may not look like me and that has given me the desire to make sure that the way I look is exactly the way my Father intended. In looking like the beautiful unique person He made when I am surrounded by my family the complete tapestry is so much more intricately gorgeous. G-d did not come to save all vanilla people or caramel people or chocolate people or any flavor in between. (I hate white and black and so you will not hear me use those terms here.) He came to SAVE to the utmost.
I also am constantly telling my children especially my girls how beautiful they are from the crowns of their heads to the bottom of their feet so if I am trying to alter my appearance what am I really "saying" to them about what I really think of how they look. I talk about resonating thematically and in my mind being genuine and truthful about who G-d created Angela to be, inside and out, is one of the best ways I can honor my Father because "G-d don't make no junk!" We are fearfully and wonderfully made and we are all so beautiful to Him and if we love Him we will revel in the lovely children who are our family. So with butterflies in my stomach as we make this climb I peer over the side of the car looking excited and a little frightened at how high we are up off the ground and anticipating what I know is coming. I look a little nervous but I know the way down will be THRILLING and OH SO WORTH IT!